Welcome to my blog! I am not much for following the new fads, but I do have a lot to say so I figure this would be a great medium to disperse my thoughts into the world. Depending on my schedule, I am going to try to write about a different topic each day. Topics will range from news stories to whatever the heck pops into my head on a given day, and believe me a lot of stuff pops into this head. I hope you enjoy a look at the world according to me…

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

To err is human, to forgive divine

A very famous quote by Alexander Pope in 1711 and three centuries later those words are still very valid. Everyone makes mistakes, it is human nature. However, forgiveness of others and especially of oneself is very difficult. I openly admit to making plenty of mistakes and missteps in my lifetime. I often speak before thinking and tend to be quite overly-passionate. I often come across to others as harsh and cold, but I assure you, I am neither. In fact, one of my biggest flaws is that I often have too much emotion. I may not show those feelings in a conventional way, but I assure you I am a very sensitive person.

To those reading this that I may have offended or hurt over the years in one way or another, I do apologize. I usually know when I have said or done something wrong immediately after it happens. However, it is often too late to erase the situation and the only thing left to do is apologize. I understand it is often difficult to accept one’s apology and even harder to give complete forgiveness to someone. We have all been hurt, and forgiveness is a way to leave yourself vulnerable to possibly get hurt again. I am sure by this point in our lives; every one of us has been hurt in one way or another by several friends, family members, acquaintances and strangers. As a result, we build up apprehensions, walls and defense mechanisms to protect ourself from being hurt again.

I do find it difficult to forgive someone who has wronged me, especially if it was done intentionally. I find it even more difficult to forgive myself for things that I have done or said in error throughout my lifetime. I am my harshest critic and no one could beat me up as much as I have over the years. However, I cannot dwell on the past and on the errors of my ways, because that would only ruin today and the chance I now have to do things correctly. This quote that I wrote is very much how I am trying to navigate my life: You cannot change the past, but changes you make in the present can change your future. I believe I am a story in the making, an unfinished product, with still a lot to learn and improve upon. We all are.

I feel like I share an awful lot on these blogs, yet I cannot tell if anyone is reading. I encourage you to leave a comment or take a poll, just so I know someone has been here. Otherwise, I am going to assume you are all a bunch of voyeurs…lol :)

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