Welcome to my blog! I am not much for following the new fads, but I do have a lot to say so I figure this would be a great medium to disperse my thoughts into the world. Depending on my schedule, I am going to try to write about a different topic each day. Topics will range from news stories to whatever the heck pops into my head on a given day, and believe me a lot of stuff pops into this head. I hope you enjoy a look at the world according to me…

Monday, June 14, 2010


There are a lot of theories on whether people can and do actually change. Some popular sayings such as “can’t teach an old dog new tricks” or “once a ___, always a ____”, suggest that for the most part, as a society, we don’t believe change is possible. However, it is a scientific fact that humans change every 7 years. Every cell of the human body is replaced over a period of 7 years. Personality, mental and emotional changes also occur; none of us is the same person we were 7 years ago. Of course continuous environmental factors and life experiences also help change to occur. So biologically, physiologically and mentally, we are continuously changing. However, we don’t always recognize or accept that fact because the very thought of ‘change’ is frightening to most people.

Most of the change I talked about above is automatic and uncontrollable. However, the real question is, can someone make a conscious change? Can someone set out to change something about them, whether it is physical, mental or emotional and succeed? I believe they can. In fact, I think that since change is so automatic for humans, change is probably easier than you would think; it is in our nature to change. If someone wants to lose weight and live a healthier life, it requires a conscious decision followed by determination. If someone wants to change a certain characteristic about their personality or habits, the same diligence will also lead to success. When I was in law school, I had several classmates who were over the age of 50, who had full-time jobs and children at home, but went to law school at night because they wanted a career change. And I thought night school was hard; I couldn’t imagine doing it 20 years older than I was while also juggling children and a full-time job! Desire and determination can make anything happen…

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