Welcome to my blog! I am not much for following the new fads, but I do have a lot to say so I figure this would be a great medium to disperse my thoughts into the world. Depending on my schedule, I am going to try to write about a different topic each day. Topics will range from news stories to whatever the heck pops into my head on a given day, and believe me a lot of stuff pops into this head. I hope you enjoy a look at the world according to me…

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1st

Well, my favorite season is pretty much here. The pool is open and I am starting to work on my tan, ok sunburn. I have been thinking about what I would like to do over the next few months now that the weather should be better. I would like to spend a lot more time outside in the yard, enjoying the pool, the deck, the puppy and the sun; of course as long as my allergies allow me to. Also, I hope to get to the golf course more often this summer, as I really need the practice and it is also pretty good exercise. Those outdoor movie nights, campfires and water volleyball games also sound good about now. I really need to fit more exercise into my daily schedule, but I really hate going to the gym or walking the trail by myself. It seems more like work that way, when someone else is there to talk to, the time just flies by. Another thing I have also been thinking about is taking my camera and going on some nature hikes. I love taking pictures of landscapes and scenery. If anyone is interested in some hiking and photography, let me know. Bring on the nice weather!


  1. I'd love to go out and do some wildlife/bird shots. That would be fun. I'm hitting a few old cemeteries this summer too - let me know if you want to come along.
